Monday, November 8, 2010


This weekend with Katie and Matt and the girls, we went to Boston and points north. We had a chilly-good time and hope to go back sometime when the weather is considerably warmer! None-the-less, we had a great time.

Emily made a "flat ryan and flat caroline" to take on Dealaney and Reese's east coast adventures. They first went to the New England Aquarium and loved it! They loved looking at the crabs in the touch pond and the big anaconda.

Notice the cricket on the top of Faneuil Hall weathervane.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Where I've Been Hanging Out~ Mamaroneck NY

Afternoon in the park
The  pretty Mamaroneck Harbor on the Long Island Sound. 

The beach down the street.

Real, old fashion thriving  downtown , no big box stores here,  and no fast food. Just the real thing, mom and pop shops and  any kind of ethnic food you can imagine, stores, lots of Zagat rated restaurants, produce stores, antique stores, lots of different kinds of people who are all very friendly.  Six minute walk to the beach or the train station, 32 minutes to NYC.  Theres lots of fun to be had here!

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Trip Into NYC

Katie, the girls and I rode the train into Grand Central Terminal.

We took the subway to Times Square..... to buy some tickets......

Took a tour of Matt's office near Grand Central and gave the girls to him for the evening.
Saw a crazy parking garage that lifts the cars on an elevator into place.

And Katie and Matt treated me to dinner and Billy Elliott to thank me for helping them move. It was a great show, excellent company and a nice way to relax after a week of hard work.

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Bird In Hand, PA

Beautiful farms in Bird in Hand, PA from our buggy ride.

The Hay wagon loaded down from the days efforts, note no rubber wheels on the wagon....

An Amish woman working in her beautiful garden. I thought it was interesting to see her with a weed whacker in her hand and her "plain" dress. Her home and garden were gigantic and just gorgeous.  Any tools they use are for work only and not for pleasure or frivolity.  None of their tools are  powered by public electricity,  but they can use gas and diesel to power their own generators.  They are somewhat off the grid.

This woman's  daughters were working in the front yard and moved out of view when they saw I had a camera

The Buggy wheel.

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Girls Best Friend

We met the nicest old dog at the Amish farm!  He  saw the girls and pulled himself up and went over to them.

He got on the cart  and nestled between Reese and Delaney. Or, maybe he just sat ON Reese..... She was in heaven, she LOVES dogs of every description....
Delaney got up to take a look at something really interesting......
The dog got off the cart too,  and followed them around still hoping for a belly rub.

...........mission accomplished!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Laundry day in Lancaster PA.
The Amish do their wash in  diesel powered wringer washers, and hang it to dry.  I love how there are three pairs of black pants, in progressivelly larger sizes.  Also three jumpers and blouses in three sizes.

We followed this buggy up the hill. 

Posted by PicasaKatie and the girls in our buggy. 
This man was at Abe's buggy rides in Bird in Hand, PA

Posing in front of our buggy.  Our buggy ride was the highlight of our trip such a fun
diversion after 25 hours of driving.

Hershey PA

We went to Hershey Pennsylvania and saw the street lights that look like Hershey Kisses!
We went to Hershey's Chocolate World and saw how chocolate is made!

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Sharing Chips and a Snuggle

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This Girlie is a Dogs Best Friend~!

Reese has quite the avid following. If she is in the kitchen, Satch and Studley are always nearby. Some times she drops food, sometimes it falls before it hits her mouth AND sometimes, she just feeds them right off her fork.

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Saturday, July 10, 2010